☄️Drop skills Combat

droplist das skills combat!

Confira o Droplist das skills dropadas somente através das stones:

⛏️Farm Stone
  • Scroll of Fire Scream [DL]

  • Scroll of Chaotic Diseier [DL]

  • Crystal of Destruction [BK]

  • Crystal of Multi-Shot [ME]

  • Crystal of Flame Strike [MG]

  • Scroll of Decay [SM]

  • Scroll of Ice Storm [SM]

  • Scroll of Nova [SM]

  • Scroll of Wizardry Enhance [SM]

  • Scroll of Gigantic Storm [MG]

  • Chain Lightning Parchment [SUM]

  • Drain Life Parchment [SUM]

  • Lightning Shock Parchment [SUM]

  • Damage Reflection Parchment [SUM]

  • Berserker Parchment [SUM]

  • Sleep Parchment [SUM]

  • Weakness Parchment [SUM]

  • Innovation Parchment [SUM]


Todas as skills citadas podem ser dropadas em qualquer farm stone.

Last updated